Our Location

Our Location

Lynch Truck Services Limited
Barnfield Way,
Altham Business Park,

Directions from Junction 8 M65

At the roundabout, take the first exit onto A6068 (1.1 miles)
Turn left onto Blackburn Road A678 (0.3 miles)

Bare left onto Burnley Road A678 (0.3 miles)
Turn left onto Altham Lane (0.3 miles)
Turn right onto Barnfield Way (0.1 miles)


Directions from Junction 7 M65

At the roundabout, take the first exit onto Dunkenhalgh Way A6185 (0.3 miles)
Turn right onto Blackburn Road A678 (0.5 miles)
At the traffic lights continue straight onto A678 (0.3 miles)
At the roundabout, take the second exit onto Burnley Road A678 (3.0 miles)
At the roundabout, take the second exit onto Burnley Road A678 (1.5 miles)
Turn right onto Altham Lane (0.3 miles)
Turn right onto Barnfield Way (0.1 miles)


Michael Kippax

Operations Manager

01282 773377

07867 970683

Mon 08:30 - Fri 17:30


Emma Lynch

After Sales Manager

01282 773377

07867 978919

Mon 06:30 - Sat 17:00 (24 hours)